Oni Local Museum

Nestled in the heart of the city, the Oni Local Museum is a treasure trove of historical and cultural artifacts that reflect the vibrant tapestry of Georgian heritage. Located at 26 Rustaveli Street, in the city of Oni, this museum is a center for culture and learning, proudly housing over 15,500 historical pieces that take visitors on a journey through time, from the Stone Age to the late medieval times.

The Oni Local Museum was established in 1937 and has since been a rich repository of Georgian history and culture. Spanning a generous space of 720 square meters (approximately 7750 square feet), this museum is a testament to Georgia's intriguing past and its artistic evolution.

The museum's collections are a diverse blend of archaeological artifacts, architectural details, coins, manuscripts, and paintings. Of particular interest is the collection from the Bronze Age, which includes intriguing items like a bronze figurine of a sheep, open-work astral buckles, bull decorations, fragments of weapons, and implements. Visitors can also admire architectural details and relief fragments from the 10th and 11th century St. George and St. Trinity churches, as well as coins dating from the 10th to the 14th century.

The museum is not just a haven for historians, but also art lovers. It houses a stunning collection of 20th-century paintings by well-known artists such as Ucha Japaridze, Valentin Sherpilov, Vasil Shukhaev, and David Nalbandian. These paintings not only reflect the artists' creative genius but also provide insights into the artistic trends and social milieu of the times they represent.

The Oni Local Museum opens its doors to visitors every day, except Mondays, from 10:00 to 17:00. It boasts permanent exhibitions, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in Georgia's fascinating history and vibrant culture.

Nearest to Oni Local Museum

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